a minimalist diet

so, you're a minimalist? does this mean that you eat boring food all the time?

The thing about a minimalist diet is that, well, there's isn't really one set minimalist diet. There aren't any rules to follow and there's no handbook out there to help you figure out what to cut out of your diet. My diet isn't the only minimalist diet out there, but if you're curious to know about what I eat, read on! 

In the past, I used to associate diet with weight loss. A diet, however, isn't always for weight loss -- in this post, I talk about my everyday diet (a diet basically consists of the types of food that a person usually eats). In my opinion, having a minimalist diet lets you focus on nourishing your body with the nutrients that it needs (since minimalism is about keeping what you find valuable, a minimalist diet would consist of food that is good for your body!).

Some people think that a minimalist diet involves using less ingredients or using one bowl for every meal, but for my minimalist diet, I eat food that has lots of flavor and spices and I eat as much as I want. (If you'd like to try cooking with less ingredients or eating out of one bowl, go for it! Like I said, there are no rules.)

what i eat + drink

I would say that my diet is a vegetarian diet. I adore fruits and vegetables and stay away from processed food and sugar as much as I can. I also avoid anything with gluten, such as bread and pasta (I've read about why gluten isn't so good for the body and now I look for bread and pasta alternatives!). I always ate rice with every meal but now I eat potatoes and quinoa instead (potatoes and quinoa have more health benefits). Dairy products have hormones that humans don't need (think about it: we are not baby cows!) and because of this fact, I've cut out dairy products from my diet. Instead of cow's milk, I drink almond, rice, or oat milk (I avoid soy milk because consuming too much soy has harmful effects on the body). When it comes to drinks, I drink water (at least three litres a day), tea (I adore green tea!), and almond, rice, and oat milk. I stopped drinking soda, fruit juice (a lot of fruit juice has added sugar and not a lot of health benefits), and coffee.

  • If you want to add more vegetables to your diet but don't enjoy the taste of anything green, I would suggest drinking a smoothie in the morning or in the afternoon. I'm not fond of the taste of kale so I add it to my everyday green smoothie (my smoothie includes kale, banana, almond milk, and mint to mask the flavor of kale).
  • Seeds are amazing for the body -- chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds (*insert eat all the seeds! meme here*). I include seeds to my diet by adding them to my everyday breakfast (oatmeal) or my everyday smoothie. 
  • Every morning, I drink lemon water + apple cider vinegar. It's amazing at preventing illnesses and balancing your pH level. 


  • Since I don't eat meat anymore, I make up for the lack of Vitamin B12 in my diet by taking daily supplements that provide me with the (RDA) recommended daily allowance of Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. 
  • I also take zinc and calcium supplements (since I avoid meat and dairy products). 

what about protein?

  • A common misconception about a vegetarian diet is that vegetarians don't get enough protein. I don't take any protein powder and I rely on the food I eat to provide me with the protein that I need. Even if you don't eat meat, you can get enough protein by eating other kinds of food! 
  • I eat beans, spinach, almonds, chia seeds, quinoa, beans, and chickpeas.

Well, that's about it! I'm not a doctor or nutritionist so take everything that I've written with a grain of salt. I cut out a lot of food from my diet (sometimes I miss cookies, not going to lie!) but I think about what I'm doing for my body by filling it with food that makes me feel happier in the long run. This year, I've been thinking a lot about ways to show my body more self-love, and eating healthier food is definitely one way!